
Transform your life: One membership all your wellness needs

Optimize your life with with our sustainable membership prices. Services include alternative therapies regenerative medicine, functional medicine, therapeutic yoga, IV Therapy, AgeJet, Medical Grade skin care, massage and more. 

We provide a space where all people can be seen and experience deep physical, spiritual, and emotional connection with self and community through premium yoga, barre, therapy, functional medicine, aesthetics, and massage services at sustainable pricing.

New Service

New Service

AgeJET Plasma Rejuvination treatments now available! Reverse aging, natural eyelift, and acne reversal with one painless treatment, and no downtime.


Visit Us

3124 South Regal Street
Spokane, WA, 99223

Email: bewell@rarewellness.com
Phone: 509-846-7838

Rare is located on Spokane’s South Hill, across the street from Les Schwab and adjacent to Regal Veterinary Clinic. To access the spa, go through the building’s main entrance and up the staircase. The signs will lead you to the left and down a staircase to enter the spa (basement level).